Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Websites Are Dead

Websites are dying, however, they are still on life support.
To debut a new product, or boost interest for an already existing product, Taco Bell puts out a commercial. Then they send out a tweet. They probably update their website too, but nobody bothers to check it because websites are boring. Commercials are interactive, with close-up shots of melted cheese and beef piled on tortillas. Tweets show us that even Taco Bell execs are regular people like us- sort of. Sometimes +Taco Bell will even tweet back to their fans. Now that's dedication.
However, there can't be a commercial for every item on the menu, because our TV screens would literally be filled with nothing but the Mexican fast food restaurant- good for them, not necessarily great for us. 
Speaking of that, the reason I keep using Taco Bell as an example is because I saw the commercial 3 times this morning, and now I have a craving for the stuff.

As for my own digital presence, I mainly use Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Considering I want to get into the fashion industry, even though I post fashion pictures on my Instagram it would be wise to create a second account dedicated to just that. Then, if I posted a picture on my personal page, I could tag my fashion page for a more detailed picture, and from there send people to my fashion blog. I could incorporate Pinterest with my blog by showing different takes of an outfit. 

I would say that a blog would be the biggest thing I need to create my professional digital presence, because it is- in my opinion- the most professional form of social media for the work I'm doing. I could connect my blog and my Facebook so every time I made a new blog post, I could post a status on my Facebook about it. 
I love the fact that social media offers so much creativity. Even though Instagram and blogs and Facebook are all social media outlets, each one offers something different: blogs are mostly words, Instagram is all pictures, and Facebook is a good mix of both. This ensures that viewers never get bored.

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